1st International PV Module Quality Assurance Forum
July 15–16, 2011
- Welcome, Yasuhiro Sakuma (METI)
- Welcome, Kevin Lynn (DOE)
- Introduction to International PV Module QA Forum: Michio Kondo (AIST)
Session I. Defining the Need — The Importance of Quality Assurance
Session chairs: Michio Kondo (AIST), Sarah Kurtz (NREL)
- Module Makers' Perspective — Yoshihito Eguchi (JEMA/Sharp)
- Financial Investors' Perspective on Quality Assurance — David Williams (CleanPath Ventures)
- PV Sustainability Through Collaborative Quality Management — Jifan Gao (Trina Solar)
- PV Module Quality and Reliability Standards — an End Users View — Chris Wright (Florida Power & Light)
Session II. Existing Standards — What They Do and Don't Do
Session chairs: David Degraaff (SunPower), Masaaki Yamamichi (AIST)
- History of IEC Qualification Standards — John Wohlgemuth (NREL)
- Introduction to IECEE PV Program — Liang Ji (UL)
- SEMI Manufacturing Standards Under Development — James Amano (SEMI)
Session III. Regional and Application-Specific Requirements
Session chairs: Tony Tang (Suntech), Danny Cunningham (BPSolar)
- How do Qualified Modules Fail? — What is the Root Cause? — David DeGraaff (SunPower)
- Long-Term Outdoor Exposure in Different Climate Zones — Nicolas Bogdanski (TUV)
- Results of Field Tests in Japan — Kohji Masuda (JET)
- Modeling the Ranges of Stresses for Different Climates/Applications — Michael Kempe (NREL)
Session IV. Proposed New Tests
Session chairs: Yoichi Murakami (JET), Michael Koehl (Fraunhofer, ISE)
- The Thresher Test — Alelie Funcell (Renewable Energy Test Center)
- Long-Term Sequential Testing — Govindasamy Tamizhmani (TUV Rheinland)
- Mechanical Load Testing of PV Modules in Mounting Structures — Thomas Friesen (SUPSI ISAAC)
- Atlas' PV Long Term Durability Test — Kurt Scott (Atlas)
- PVEL's Reliability Demonstration Test — Jenya Meydbray (PV Evolution)
- UV-Thermal Combined Stress Acceleration test — Takuya Doi (AIST)
Session V. Proposals for Manufacturing QA Guideline and QA Rating Methodology
Session chairs: Tony Sample (EC JRC), Govindasamy Tamizhmani (TUV)
- Manufacturing Quality Assurance Guideline — Alex Mikonowicz (PowerMark)
- Introduction of Breakout Session — Sarah Kurtz (NREL)
- Some Thoughts for Discussion, Mani G. Tamizh-Mani (ASU)
- Suggestions for Quality Assurance Methodology, Neelkanth Dhere (FSEC)
- Proposal for PV Rating System, Kusato Hirota (Toray Industries Inc.)
Session VI. Prioritization of Failure/Degradation Mechanisms
Session chairs: Dan Doble (Fraunhofer CSE), Gerhard Kleiss (SolarWorld)
- Introduction of Breakout Session — John Wohlgemuth (NREL)
- Next Steps and Forum Statement, John Wohlgemuth (NREL)
- Closing Remarks, AIST and NREL
- Final agenda.